
問34 次の会話文を完成させるのに最も適切なものを,あとのア~エからそれぞれ1つ選びなさい。
(1)A:How much is this shirt?
B: It’s $79.99. That’s really nice,isn’t it?
A: [ 34 ] I’ll look for something cheaper.
ア It’s a little too expensive for me.
イ Please show me another color.
ウ Do you have this in a smaller size?
エ May I try it on?
(2)A:Excuse me. Which bus goes to City Hall?
B:[ 35 ] You can take it from the bus stop over there.
A:Thank you very much.
ア There’s no bus to City Hall.
イ It’s about three dollars to City Hall.
ウ Tell me about City Hall.
エ Take bus No.5 to City Hall.
(3)A:Do you mind if I open the window?
B:[ 36 ] Please go ahead.
A:Thank you. It’s a little hot here.
ア I don’t mind the window.
イ Here we go.
ウ Of course not.
エ You’re welcome.
(4)A:Hello. This is Lucy Green. May I speak to Mary, please?
B:Sorry. But she’s out right now.
A:OK. [ 37 ]
ア Shall I take message for her?
イ I will call back later.
ウ I will put her on.
エ You have the wrong number.
(5)A:[ 38 ]
B:I’m sorry, but I can’t. I must stay home and finish my homework tonight.
A:I see. Well, some other time.
ア Why don’t you stay home and finish your homework tonight?
イ May I stay home and finish my homework tonight?
ウ Have you seen a movie at ABC movie theater yet?
エ How about seeing a movie at ABC movie theater tonight?
間35 空欄に入る最も適切なものを.あとのア~エからそれぞれ1つ 選びなさい。
(1)A:What do you call this tree in Japanese?
B:It [ 39 ] Sakura.
ア call
イ called
ウ is calling
エ is called
(2)A:Who can run fastest in our class?
B:I think Tom can run [ 40 ] than any other student in our class.
ア fast
イ faster
ウ slow
エ slower
(3)A:Do you know the girl [ 41 ] by the door?
B:Yes. She is Mary’s sister,jenny.
ア stand
イ stood
ウ standing
エ is standing
(4)A:I will buy my son a new bike on his birthday.
B:That’s nice. I think it will [ 42 ] him happy.
ア make
イ give
ウ feel
エ bring
問36 次の英文は日本の学校の教育相談について,外国人児童生徒の保護者に対して説明するために英語の教員が書いたのです。これを読んであとの問いに答えなさい。
In Japanese schools, there are chances to get educational counseling.Parents and teachers exchange information about children’s issues.We can also discuss topics such as troubles with friends, refusal to go to school,career guidance, etc.Educational counseling can also help children solve their problems.When it is necessary, we can ask an interpreter to help us communicate during the counseling.
The following are examples of educational counseling in school.
①1.Home Visitation
The class teacher visits the children’s home and discusses the child’s life at school and at home.
It gives the class teacher a good chance to learn how the children spend their life at home.
2.Parent/Teacher Meeting
Parents come to schools to listen to a talk by the principal or teachers.
Sometimes the parents talk with the class teachers in each different classroom.
Topics are often about things common to all the children as a group.
3.Individual Interview
Individual interview usually takes place between the class teacher and either the child or the parent.
It sometimes takes place as a three way discussion including the child, parent and teacher.
② This is a good chance to talk about the child’s personal problems and concerns.
The date is arranged in advance and advised by the class teacher.
ア 個人面談
イ 保護者会
ウ 家庭訪問
エ 全校集会
ア 保護者会の後で,保護者が学級担任とそれぞれの教室で懇談すること。
イ 個人面談で児童や保護者と学級担任の三者が話し合うこと。
ウ 全校集会で校長等がすべての児童に関わる問題について話すこと。
エ 個人面談の日程が学級担任により事前に調整され,保護者に連絡されること。
ア There is no chance for educational counseling in Japanese schools.
イ Interpreters must solve children’s problems at educational counseling.
ウ Parents can come to schools to listen to the principal or teachers.
エ The child’s personal problems are not discussed at individual interview.